Peg Losey

Stress Recovery Challenge: All You Need to Know

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We're so glad you've decided to join us for our Stress Recovery Challenge! This resource is one handy place to find everything you need to know!

Last month we focused on a giant exhale from the emotional and physical stress we've been carrying by supporting our nervous system and creating some practices that help us to let go of thoughts and patterns no longer serving us. This month we are going to move into recovery mode! Stress over time takes a huge toll on the body depleting it of needed minerals and nutrients and increasing inflammation. Both of these lead to a long list of diseases, dysfunction, and distress! This month we restore and replenish with the Stress Recovery Challenge!

What you will do:

  • Take ½ teaspoon Golden Turmeric
  • Drink Mineral Essence
  • Take your supplements

That's it. There's no more to it. Literally will take a few minutes out of your day, and you will not believe the results! We will also have fun giveaways, recipes, health recovery tips, videos, and more in our Facebook group as we continue our journey of releasing our body from burdens it doesn't need to carry!

Include the family of all ages, invite friends, and share the fun. The only thing better than getting amazing results is watching people you care about do the same! We're going to walk you through this step by step so simply stay tuned and enjoy!


How to invite your friends and join us in our Facebook group all month long!

  • Simply share this link with them once they've decided to join us, and we'll do all the rest! We'll be continuing in the same group we were using in June so that we can go back to put all the pieces of release and recovery together! Join any time! Emotional Exhale Challenge
  • Once they add themselves they'll need to give the code EmotionalExhale2023 in order to be approved!
  • Find friends who to watch and learn with us or participate in the challenge and add them to the group!
  • Check out the Stress Recovery Challenge Sharing Resource linked below for so many tools to help you share with friends! Everything you need is there to walk someone else through all the wonderful results you'll soon be experiencing!

Make sure you never miss a day with this handy Stress Recovery Challenge tracker! You'll want to open this in your Life Steps app if you're seeing it on the landing page so you can download this graphic to track your progress on your phone with markup or to print it out and keep it right by your diffuser! Consistency will always get us the best possible results!

If you print it off, make some notes on the back as you go through the challenge on what you're noticing and feeling!

FAQ: Q: What if I don't have Mineral Essence or Golden Turmeric? A: Grab some today! But while you're waiting, drink your Ningxia, take your supplements, and join us to learn more!

Q: How much Mineral Essence should I take? A: Recommended dosage is 5 half droppers, morning and evening. Minerals are a strong taste so we recommend starting with a half dropper and working up. I know this will surprise you, but it is now difficult for me to drink water without Mineral Essence! My body absolutely craves it. We'll give you all the different tips for taking it, but I now drink much more than the daily dose and the benefits are incredible in my health, sleep, energy, and overall well-being.

Q: What if I can't handle the minerals internally at first? A: Try starting with rubbing on your skin and bathing to absorb the minerals. As your body begins to take them in, you will want more and more! You can also experiment with adding to orange juice, Ningxia Red, or other drinks until you find what works for you!

Q: How much Golden Turmeric should I take? A: Recommended dosage is 1/2 teaspoon in liquid each day. You can do more or less as you find what works for you. We'll give you some great recipes for making a drink you will look forward to every day!

Q: What if I'm a vegetarian or vegan? A: Mineral Essence does contain royal jelly and honey which are bee products. Golden Turmeric is both vegetarian and vegan.

Q: Can I use Mineral Essence topically? A: You can! Some rub it on the skin or use it in the bath as an alternative method of taking in minerals. One of our favorite topical usage is on our kids when running fever as fever can deplete minerals.

Q: Can I use these products if pregnant or nursing or if using blood thinners? A: We consider Mineral Essence not only safe but absolutely crucial for pregnant and nursing mothers, but do what is comfortable for you based on your research. Many do not recommend turmeric during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to possible blood thinning properties while others use it safely and find it helpful. Because turmeric may act like a blood thinner, you should stop taking it at least 2 weeks before surgery and consult your doctor if on blood thinning medications. Tell your doctor and surgeon that you have been taking turmeric. Sulfurzyme Powder is an ideal replacement

Need to know more? Check out the related resources below!