Hattie Wiginton

Thieves Essential Oil

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So often we start thinking about oils in dosages and prescriptions, and they're just not like that. They're closer to foods with certain components that help our bodies in different ways. So instead of thinking specifically about how I use this oil for this problem, I think more about how this oil does this job in my body and can be applied in many situations.


It is one of the best feelings in the world to be secure and safe. To have a support system that surrounds you where you don't feel alone in your basic instinct to survive and protect yourself. The people in your life who come alongside you and say, “You are important to me. It is worth my sacrifice to take care of you.” We all need them and hopefully we all strive to be these people as well. Those who protect and nurture the well-being of others silently and unseen have some of the greatest impact on those around them.

Thieves is a blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary, a little army all working together to build up the defenses of the body against intruders. Working silently and unobtrusively to arm us for the unexpected. There's never any way to know what will suddenly come at us so the key is to have a trained defense in place and ready for all scenarios. Far better than waiting until there is urgency to prepare, is preventing the urgency with readiness. Thieves is our defender, who, if used consistently, increases that secure blanket of assurance that we are doing everything in our power to guard the gates of our homes and health.


  • Diffuse several drops of Thieves Essential Oil for clean air and a comforting, homey aroma.
  • Apply Thieves Essential Oil neat to the bottoms of the feet.
  • Add Thieves Essential Oil to cleaning recipes or laundry soaps.
  • Add a drop of Thieves Vitality Oil to NingXia, hot water or hot tea for an immune-boosting beverage. Use any of the powerful Thieves line of products armed with the power of this oil.
  • Use Inner Defense or Thieves Lozenges for a convenient and prepared way to increase the defenses when run down.
  • Use Thieves Cough Drops to soothe a cough or sore throat.